
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

calamus ī, m

, κάλαμος, a reed, cane: calami palustres, O.: dispares, O.—Meton., of objects made of reeds, a reed pen: bonus: transversus, H. — Poet.: levi calamo ludere, to trifle, Ph. — A reed-pipe, reed: calamo trivisse labellum, V.: agrestis, V.: curvus, Ct.: hians, Pr.—An arrow: calami spicula Gnosii, H.: levis, O.: Per calamos venatricis puellae, Iu.—A fishing-rod: calamo salientes ducere pisces, O.—A lime-twig for snaring birds, Pr.—A straw, stalk, blade: lupini, V.

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