
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

candidus adj.with comp.

candeo, shining white, clear, bright : luna, V.: stellae, H.: Taurus (the constellation), V.: Daphnis, V.: Cupido, Ct.: avis, i. e. the stork , V.: candidior cygnis, V.: agnus, Tb.: equi, Ta.: altā nive candidum Soracte, H.: nive candidiores equi, O.: pōpulus, the white or silver poplar , V.: lilia, V.: folium nivei ligustri, O.: tentoria, O.: vestis, L.—Prov.: Candida de nigris facere, to make black white , O.: nigrum in candida vertere, Iu.— Splendid, fair, beautiful, comely : Dido, V.: puer, H.: puella, Ct.: cervix, H.: ora, O.—Poet., of the winds: Favonii, clearing , H.— Clothed in white : pompa, O.: Candida sententia, i. e. a white stone counted for acquittal , O.— Fig., unblemished, pure, guileless, honest, upright, sincere, fair, candid, frank, open : iudex, H.: Maecenas, H.: ingenium, H.— Happy, fortunate, prosperous : fata, Tb.: dies, O.— Of discourse, clear, perspicuous, artless : genus dicendi.

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