
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

canis is, m and f

2 CAV-, a dog : ater alienus, T.: acer, H.: canes venatici: obscena, shameless , V.: Echidnea, i. e. Cerberus, O.: caeruleis canibus resonantia saxa, the barking mouths ( of Scylla ), V.: Infernae canes, the dogs of Hecate , H.—Sing collect. : trudit multā cane Apros, a pack , H.—Provv.: cane peius et angui vitare aliquid, H.: canis a corio numquam absterrebitur uncto, will never be frightened from the greasy hide , H.: canis timidus vehementius latrat quam mordet, his bark is worse than his bite , Cu.—Fig., a term of reproach, dog , T.; of a backbiter, H.; of a miser, H.; of parasites: multa canibus suis (opus esse).—Meton., the constellation, the Dog (canis maior, or Sirius ; and canis minor, or Procyon ): adverso cedens Canis occidit astro, i. e. goes down backwards , V.—In play, the worst throw (of dice), dog-throw (opp. Venus), O., Pr.

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