
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

capessō īvī or iī, ītūrus, ere, desid.

capio, to seize eagerly, snatch at, lay hold of : cibum dentibus: arma, V.: principium libertatis capessendae. —Of places, to strive to reach, betake oneself to, repair to, resort to : medium locum: turrīs, V.— Fig., to take hold of with zeal, take up, take in hand, undertake, enter upon, engage in, execute, manage : bellum, L.: pugnam manu, Ta.: iussa, to execute , V.: recta capessens, with upright purpose , H.: partem decoris, L.: magistratūs, Ta.: audacia ad pericula capessenda, facing , L.: capessere rem p., to enter political life .

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