
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

captō āvī, ātus, āre, freq.

capio, to strive to seize, lay hold of, catch at, snatch, chase, hunt, capture : fugientia Flumina, H.: simulacra fugacia, O.: laqueis feras, V.: naribus auras, V.: auribus aëra, listen eagerly for , V.: captata Hesperie, watched for , O.—Fig., to strive after, long for, desire earnestly, catch at, grasp : solitudines: quid cum illo consili captet, T.: plausūs: risūs, provoke : populi suffragia, H.: incerta pro certis, S.: nubīs et inania, H.: tempus, opportunity , L.: occasionem, to watch for , L.: prendique et prendere captans, O.: laedere aliquem, Ph.— To watch for craftily, lie in wait for, entice, allure : quā viā te captent, T.: emolumento alqm: hostem insidiis, L.— To court, plot for : testamenta senum, H.: Coranum, Iu.— To take up, begin : ubi captato sermone, etc., O.

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