
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

carcer eris, m

a prison, jail: in carcerem duci: carcerem refringere, L.: effundere: privatus, L.: vindex scelerum: vincla carceris rumpere, i. e. of the body.—Poet., of the cave of Aeolus, V., O. — Esp., the Roman state-prison: inferior carcer, L.; cf. Tullianum.—Meton., as a term of reproach, jail-bird, scape-gallows, T.—The barrier, starting-place in the race-course: effusi carcere currūs, V.: cum carcere uterque Emicat, O. — Usu. plur: cum carceribus sese effudere quadrigae, V.: carceribus missi currūs, H.—Fig.: ad carceres a calce revocari, i. e. to begin life anew.

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