
An Elementary Latin Dictionary


(P. praes. gen. plur. carentum, V.), uī, itūrus, ēre, to be without, be free from, be destitute of: illam, T.: culpā, T.: dolore: vitiis, H.: communi sensu, H.: morte, to be immortal, H.: suis figurā, i. e. exempt from transformation into, O.— To do without, deprive oneself of, deny oneself, refrain, abstain from: cibo, Cs.: lubidinibus haud facile, S.: amicorum facultatibus, N.: satiatis iucundius est carere quam frui, abstinence. — Of places, to hold aloof from, not to go to, be absent from: foro: provinciā do moque: patriā, N.—Of inanimate subjects, to be without, be void of, be free from, want: tempora carent crimine: nec lacrimis caruere genae, V.: Quae caret ora cruore nostro?H.: aditu carentia saxa, inaccessible, O.: numero, to be countless, H.: Lux caritura fine, O. — To be deprived of, want, have lost (not of the necessaries of life): patriā, T.: ut Latio careat, fail to reach, V.: consuetudine amicorum: commodis omnibus: vate sacro, not to be celebrated by, H.: caret omni Maiorum censu, has dissipated, Iu.: tui carendum quod erat, T.: Virque mihi dempto fine carendus abest, O.—To feel the want of, miss: carere significat, egere eo quod habere velis: non caret is qui non desiderat: in carendo patientia.

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