
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

circā adv.

I and praep., later for circum.

I I. Adv, around, round about, all around, near: gramen erat circa, O.: ripae Responsant circa, V.: ex montibus qui circa sunt, which are around, L.: sed non passi sunt ii, qui circa erant, who were at hand, N.: multarum circa civitatum inritatis animis, the surrounding towns, L.: corpora multa virūm circa, V.: farre ex agris circa undique convecto, all around, L.: cum circa omnia hostium essent, L.—

II II. Praep.with acc.(sometimes after or separated from the acc.). — In space, about, around, on the side of, surrounding, encompassing: quam (Hennam) circa sunt flores: ligna contulerunt circa casam, N.: aes triplex Circa pectus, H.: quem circa tigres iacent, O. — Around, about, among, through: Romulus legatos circa vicinas gentes misit, L.: circa domos ire, L.: circa civitates miserat nuntios, L.—In the region of, near to, near by: urbīs circa Capuam occupare: circa Liternum posuit castra, in the neighborhood of, L. —In vague designations of a place, in, at, about: Circa virentīs campos, H.: cum amor Saeviet circa iecur, H.: quadriduum circa rupem consumptum, L.: circa unam rem ambitūs facere, L.—Of persons as attendants, around, with, attending, accompanying: canes quos circa se haberet: trecentos iuvenes circa se habebat, L. — In time, about: circa eandem horam, L.: Circa lustra decem, H. —In numerical designations, about, nearly, almost: circa quingentos Romanorum, L.—Fig., about, in respect to: circa adfectationem originis, Ta.

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