
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

cīvīlis e, adj.with comp.

civis, of citizens, civil, civic : bellum: discordia, S.: acies, O.: aestus, H.: victoria, N.: mos consuetudoque: clamor, L.: quercus (i. e. corona civica), V.—As subst n. : si quicquam in vobis civilis esset, sense of public duty , L.—In the phrase ius civile, private rights, the law (as protecting citizens): sit ergo in iure civili finis hic: neque naturali neque civili iure descripto: de iure civili si quis novi quid instituit, the Civil Law : quod agas mecum ex iure civili non habes: civile ius evolgavit, a code of procedure , L.: inteream si ... novi civilia iura, legal process , H.—Meton., of the state, relating to public life, political, public, state : scientia, political science : mersor civilibus undis, H.— Civil (opp. military): officia: munera, L.: res, L.— Fig., courteous, polite, civil, affable, urbane : quid enim civilius illo? O.: sermo minime, L.: ingenium, Ta.: parum civile, unbecoming a private citizen , L.

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