
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

claustra ōrum, n

claudo, a lock, bar, bolt : revellere claustra: rumpere, V.: portarum, L.: sub claustris rei p. positum vectigal.— A barrier, bounds : obstantia rumpere claustra (the barriers of a race - course), H.— A gate, dam, dike : Lucrino addita, V.: portūs claustra, entrance , Cu.— A barricade, bulwark, key, defence, fortress, wall, bank : ut terra claustra locorum teneret: urbs velut claustra Etruriae, L.: montium, passes , Ta.: Aegypti, the key to Egypt , L.: claustra contrahere, i. e. the line of circumvallation , Ta.— A barrier, hinderance : ista nobilitatis.

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