
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

clāvus ī, m

CLAV-, a nail : clavi ferrei, Cs.: clavos figentes, L.: clavo ab dictatore fixo, L.: ex hoc die clavum anni movebis, i. e. reckon the beginning of the year : tamquam clavo clavum eiciendum: beneficium trabali clavo figere, with a spike , i. e. to clinch : Necessitas Clavos trabalīs Gestans, H.— A rudder, helm : clavum ad litora torquere, V.— Fig.: clavum tanti imperi. — A purple stripe (on the tunic, broad for senators, narrow for the equites): lati clavi, L.: latus clavus (absurdly assumed by the praefect of a village), H.—Poet., a striped tunic : mutare, H.

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