
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

cohibeō uī, (itus), ēre

com- + habeo, to hold together, hold, contain, confine, embrace, comprise : omnīs naturas: Scyllam caecis cohibet spelunca latebris, V.: nodo crinem, H.: marem cohibent (ova) vitellum, H.: auro lacertos, to encircle , O.: bracchium togā: parietibus deos, Ta.— To hold, keep, keep back, hinder, stay, restrain, stop : muris Turnum, V.: ventos in antris, O.: cervos arcu, i. e. to kill , H.: nec Stygiā cohibebor undā, H.: ab aliquā re, L.: cohiberi quo minus, etc., Ta.—Fig., to stop, to hold in check, restrain, limit, confine, control, keep back, repress, tame, subdue : motūs animi: eius furorem: iras, V.: bellum, L.: non tu te cohibes? control yourself , T.: manūs, animum ab auro: suas libidines a liberis.

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