
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

cohors rtis (acc.cortem, C.), f

com- + HER-, a court, enclosure, yard, pen, cattle-yard , O.: habes cortem in Palatio, i. e. your house.—A crowd, multitude, company, throng, train : gigantum, H.: fratrum stipata, V.: impura, villanous mob : febrium, H.— In the army, a company, division, cohort (the tenth part of a legion, or six centuriae, about 360 men), Cs.: cum cohortibus expeditis ire, S.— A train, retinue, body of attendants, staff, suite : praetoria, the body-guard of the governor : praetoris: Metelli: tota tua illa: laudat Brutum laudatque cohortem, H.: cf. scortorum praetoria.— Auxiliary troops, allies , S.

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