
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

comitia ōrum, n

plur.of comitium, the Roman people in assembly, comitia curiata , of the patricians, held in the comitium, mainly to ratify or veto decrees of the senate: comitia fierent regi creando, L.; later only for taking the auspices, C.—Centuriata, the general assembly of the Roman people (usu. in the Campus Martius, instituted by Servius Tullius, and continued throughout the republic): consularia, for electing consuls : edicere comitia consulibus creandis, L.— Tributa, usu. in the Forum, but for choosing magistrates often in the Campus Martius, C., L.—Tribunicia, for electing tribunes of the plebs , L.: quaestoria. — An election : comitiis factis.

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