
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

complector or conplector plexus, ī, dep.

PARC-, PLEC-, to clasp, embrace, grasp : mulierem, T.: patrem: nepotes, V.: dextram euntis, V.: pedes, V.: membra lacertis, O.: inter nos: inter se, L.: Te comitem, V.— To grasp, clasp, seize, encircle, surround, compass, enclose : (vitis) claviculis quicquid est nacta complectitur: amaracus illum Floribus conplectitur, V.: spatium, to include (in fortifications), Cs.: Ruris quantum aratro Conplecti posses, i. e. plough around , O.: quoad stans complecti posset, grapple , N.: dextrā hostem, V.—Fig., of sleep, to seize upon, enfold : sopor complectitur artūs, V.: me somnus.— To grasp mentally, comprehend, understand : animum cogitatione: alqd: animo: cum conplector animo, reperio, etc.: genus iudiciorum: formam animi, to consider , Ta.— To comprise, express, describe, represent, explain, include, sum up, comprehend : facta oratione: hoc uno complector omnia: causas ipsā sententiā, sum up in the motion itself .— Poet.: est talīs complexa preces, summed up her wishes in , O.— In philos., to draw a conclusion, make an inference , C.— To embrace, value, honor, care for : eum beneficio: te benevolentiā: caritate civīs, L.: cunctam rem p. res tuae gestae complexae sunt, have extended to.—To embrace, include : omnīs omnium caritates patria una complexa est: quo uno maleficio scelera omnia complexa esse videantur.— To seize, lay hold of, take possession of : (philosophiae) vis cum est idoneam complexa naturam.

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