
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

com-primō (conp-) pressī, pressus, ere,

to press together, bring together, compress, close: (digitos) compresserat pugnumque fecerat: labra, H.: oculos (of the dead), O.: murem, Ph.: ordines (of the army), to close, L.—To embrace, T., L.—Prov.: compressis manibus sedere, with the hands folded, i. e. to be idle, L.—To hold, keep in, restrain, check, curb: animam, to hold the breath, T.: manūs, to keep off, T.: gressum, V.—To keep back, suppress, withhold, conceal: frumentum: delicta: famam, L. — Fig., to restrain, hinder, check, repress, curb, subdue: libidines: voluptates: animos: conatūs aliorum, L.: furores: seditionem, L.: voce manuque Murmura, O.: amor compressus edendi, i. e. satisfied, V.

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