
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

cōnītor (not conn-), nīsus or nīxus, ī

com- + nitor, dep., to put forth all one's strength, make an effort, strive, struggle, endeavor : omnes conisi hostem avertunt, L.: valido corpore: dextrā, V.: omnibus copiis, L.: uno animo invadere hostem, L.: sese ut erigant.— To press upon, press toward, struggle toward, strive to reach : summā in iugum virtute, Cs.: in unum locum, L.— To labor, be in labor : Spem gregis conixa reliquit, V.—Fig., to endeavor, struggle : ut omnes intellegant: ratio conixa per se, putting forth her own energy : ad convincendum eum, Ta.: omnibus copiis, L.

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