
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

cōn-sistō stitī, stitus, ere,

to stand still, stand, halt, stop, take a stand, post oneself: hic, T.: Ubi veni, T.: consistimus, H.: viatores consistere cogant, Cs.: bestiae cantu flectuntur atque consistunt: in oppidis: ire modo ocius, interdum consistere, H.: in muro, get footing, Cs.: ad aras, O.: ante domum, O.: in aede, O.: cum hoc, at the side of: limine, O.: rota constitit orbis, stood still, V.—To set, grow hard, become solid: frigore constitit unda, has been frozen, O.: sanguis.—To take a stand, take position, assume an attitude, stand forth, set oneself: in scaenā, Ph.: in communibus suggestis: mediā harenā, V.: in digitos adrectus, V.: inter duas acies, L.: quocumque modo, in whatever attitude, O.: quales quercūs Constiterunt, stand up in a body, V.—Of troops, to stand, form, halt, make a halt, take position, be posted, make a stand: in superiore acie, Cs.: in fluctibus, Cs.: pro castris, form, S.: pari intervallo, Cs.: a fugā, L.: in orbem, Cs.: quadratum in agmen (acies), Tb.: naves eorum nostris adversae constiterunt, Cs. — To abide, stay, settle, tarry, have a place of business: negotiandi causā ibi, Cs.: locus consistendi in Galliā, Cs.: Latio consistere Teucros, room for, V.: primā terrā, on the very shore, V.: ede ubi consistas, Iu.—Fig., to pause, dwell, delay, stop: in uno nomine: paulisper.—To be firm, stand unshaken, be steadfast, continue, endure, subsist, find a footing: mente: in dicendo: in quo (viro) culpa nulla potuit consistere, rest upon: Quos (finīs) ultra citraque nequit consistere rectum, H.: si prohibent consistere vires, O.—To agree: cum Aristone verbis consistere, re dissidere. — To be, exist, occur, take place: vix binos oratores laudabiles constitisse: sed non in te quoque constitit idem Exitus, O.: ut unde culpa orta esset, ibi poena consisteret, fall, L.: ante oculos rectum pietasque Constiterant, stood forth, O.—To consist in, consist of, depend upon: pars victūs in lacte consistit, Cs.: (rem p.) in unius animā: in unā virtute spes, Cs.: causa belli in personā tuā.—To come to a stand, stand still, stop, cease: omnis administratio belli consistit, Cs.: natura consistat necesse est: consistere usura debuit: bellum, L.: infractaque constitit ira, O.

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