
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

cōntiō (not cōncio), ōnis, f

for conventio, a meeting, assembly, convocation, gathering, audience : advocat contionem: habere, L.: populi, S.: militum, Cs.: plebem ad contionem vocare, L.: ut omnis contio audire posset: rem in contione agere: laudare alqm pro contione, before the people , S.: pro contione edixit, publicly , L.: circumfusa turba in contionis modum, L.: contio, quae ex imperitissimis constat. — A discourse, oration, public address, harangue, speech : contionem apud milites habere: hesterna: libera, L.: in Caesarem, Cs.: contra Antonium: de meā salute: in contionem ascendere, to come forward to speak : (populus) me in contionem vocavit, demanded a speech .

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