
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

contrā adv.and praep.

I comp.of com-; see 1 cum.

I I.adv.,of position, in opposition, opposite, face to face, in front, on the other side : signum contra animo finivit, i. e. mentally drew a line , L.: stare, Iu.: ulmus erat contra, in front , O.: consistere, to make front , Cs.: positā Hispaniā, opposite , Ta.: intueri, in the face , L.: oscula non pervenientia contra, so as to meet , O.—Fig., of actions, in turn, in return, back, on the other hand, likewise : Audi nunc, in turn , T.: Mettius Tullo gratulatur, contra Tullus Mettium adloquitur, L.: at tibi contra Evenit, ut, etc., you have your reward , H.: cui latrans contra senex (i. e. respondit), Ph.: si scias quod donum huic dono contra comparet, what counter-gift , T.: Facere contra huic aegre, T.: tibi contra gratiam Referre, T.— Of opposition or strife, in opposition, on the other side : obniti contra sufficere, to have strength to resist , V.: pugnare, O.: vociferans, L.: pauca accipe contra, H.: contra feriundi copia, making a counter-attack , S.: quid, si de litteris corruptis contra venit? as his accuser : est contra iudicatum, an adverse decision : licere, to compete , Cs.: nihil quod contra peterent, to compete for : qui contra fecerit, the transgressor .—With verbs of saying, in opposition, on the other side, in answer : cum contra dicturus Hortensius esset, as opposing counsel : contra qui dicit, the opponent : cum nemo contra diceret, denied it : nihil contra disputabo priusquam dixerit, make no objection : quid contra reus? says in reply : contra dicentibus inimicis, Cs.: quid contra dicerem meditabar, how to reply : id quod contra diceretur refellere, the objections : quodin eā causā contra dicendum est: dicitur contra, nullum esse testamentum, the objection is made : respondit nec contra dici quin, etc., there was no objection , L.— Reversely, in an opposite manner, the contrary, the opposite : in stultitiā contra est, with fools the reverse is true : quod contra est, S.: utrumque contra accidit: alia probabilia, contra alia dicimus, improbable : cognoscere quid boni utrisque aut contra esset (i. e. mali), S.— On the contrary, on the other hand, conversely : tu contra obicies: Romanus conserere pugnam velle, contra eludere Poenus, L.: iusta omnia decora sunt, iniusta contra indecora: ut hi miseri, sic contra illi beati quos, etc.: imperavi nihil, et contra patribus parui, but on the contrary : non enim tua culpa est ... contraque summa laus: at contra: sed contra: contra autem: falso queritur quod, etc.: nam contra, etc., S.: quin contra, nay on the contrary , L.—Followed by atque or ac, contrary to, different from, otherwise than : simulacrum, contra atque ante fuerat, ad orientem convertere: contra atque esset dictum, Cs.: si haec contra ac dico essent omnia: contra ac ratus erat, S.: contra quam fas erat, contrary to the divine law : contra quam ipse censnisset, contrary to its own resolution .

II II. Praep., with acc.(in prose before its case, except sometimes a rel. pron .), of position, before, against, facing, towards, opposite to, contrary to, over against : insulae latus est contra Galliam, Cs.: pacatis contra insulam suam terris, L.: Carthago Italiam contra, V.— Opposite, towards, against, facing, over against : contra vos in contione consistere, to face you : a fronte contra hostem, Cs.: Albanos contra legionem conlocat, L.: quos agmina contra Procurrunt, V.: contra hanc Romam altera Roma, a rival to .—Fig., in answer to, in reply to : contra ea facturos clamitabat, etc., Cs.: contra ea aiebat, etc., L.: contra postulata nuntios mittit, S.: Quae contra breviter fata est vates, V.—With valere, to weigh against, counterbalance, avail against : hac ratio contra omne ius iurandum valet: contrane lucrum nil valere Pauperis ingenium?H.—Of opposition or strife, against, with, in hostility to, as the enemy of : contra Caesarem gerere bellum: arma contra senatum tuli: armis contendere contra populumR., Cs.: contra Crustuminos profectus, marched against , L.: nihil se contra Sequanos consili inire, take hostile measures against , Cs.: contra salutem urbis incitari: paratus contra eum: agere contra hominem, plead against : nihil satis firmum contra Metellum, S.: contra difficultates providere, S.: vi contra vim resistere, L.: defensio contra vim: contra me sentire, hold an unfavorable opinion : quem contra veneris antea, for whose adversary you were counsel : pugnandum contra morbum: (provinciam) contra Caesarem retenturi, as the enemy of : eae res contra nos faciunt, make against.—Against, in opposition to, as the opponent of : tibi contra nos dicendum putes: contra iuris consultos dicere, against their opinions : contra caput dicere, to plead against life : contra Epicurum dictum est, in reply to : consuetudo contra deos disputandi, i. e. against the existence.—Against, injurious to, unfavorable to, to the disadvantage of : nihil contra me fecit odio mei: aliquid contra Caesarem Pompeio suadere: contra se ipse misericors, to his own injury , Ph.: contra valetudinis commodum laborare.—Esp., of offences, against, in violation of : pecuniam contra leges auferre: contra fas: contra ius gentium, L.: contra verecundiam, in disregard of : contra rem p. fecisse, to have been guilty of treason : vim eam contra rem p. factam decernere, L.: contra morem facere: quod contra legem esset: contra fidem. — Of opposition in thought, contrary to, opposite to, the reverse of : sed mihi contra ea videtur, the contrary seems true , S.: contra ea Caesar putabat, otherwise , Cs.: contra ea benigne, on the other hand , L.: cuius a me corpus crematum est, quod contra decuit ab illo meum (sc. cremari), whereas : quod contra oportebat delicto dolere, correctione gaudere, while, on the contrary .—With an abstract noun, contrary to, beyond, against : contra omnium opinionem (i. e. contra ac rati erant), Cs.: contra opinionem Iugurthae, against the expectation , S.: cetera contra spem salva invenit, L.: contra timorem animi praemia sceleris adeptus, S.

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