
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

creō āvī (creāssit for creāverit, C.), ātus, āre

1 CER-, to bring forth, produce, make, create, beget, give origin to : Aenean, L.: fortes creantur fortibus, H.: vapor omnīs Res creat, O.: quicquid mortale creamur, who are born to die , O.— P. perf ., with abl, sprung from, begotten by, born of (poet.): Volcani stirpe, V.: Maiā, the son of , O.— To make, choose, elect : consules creantur Caesar et Servilius, Cs.: patres, L.: lex de dictatore creando, L.: interregem, L.: ducem gerendo bello, L.: in eo numero creari, S.: augur in locum Germanici creari, Ta.: quos (consules) cum Gracchus crearet, presided at the election of .—Fig., to produce, prepare, cause, occasion : aliquid Sthenio periculi: luxuriam: errorem creat similitudo.

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