Related Words
cresco, crēvi, crētum, 3 (inf. perf. sync. cresse, Lucr. 3, 683), v. inch. n. [1. creo]. I Orig., ...
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.
crēscō crēvī, crētus, ere, inch.
1 CER-, to come into being, spring up : crescit seges, O.— P. perf ., with abl, arisen, descended, born, produced (poet.): mortali semine, O.: Alcanore, V.: ab origine eādem, O.: Troiano a sanguine, V.— To rise, grow, grow up, thrive, increase, swell, enlarge : ut (ostrea) cum lunā pariter crescant: (caulis) crevit in agris, H.: cresce, puer, O.: Liger ex nivibus creverat, was swollen , Cs.: in frondem crines, to grow into , O.: manūs in unguīs, O.: Cresceret in ventrem cucumis, swell , V.: Crescit hydrops, H.: ut clivo crevisse putes, O.: non mihi crevisse amicos, increased in number : crescentīs abstulit annos, i. e. her prime , O.—Fig., to grow, increase, be enlarged, be strengthened : plagae crescunt, T.: hostium opes animique: vires, L.: vim crescere victis, V.: (rem) maximis auctibus crescere, L.: primo pecuniae, deinde imperi cupido, S.: inopia omnium, L.: crescetis, amores, V.: Crescit amor nummi, Iu.: usque ego posterā Crescam laude recens, H.: Crescit velut arbor Fama Marcelli, H.: crescente vento, Ct.: Aspera crescit hiems, O.— To rise, be promoted, prosper, become great, attain honor : ex quibus possem crescere: laboribus pubes crevit, in glory , H.: de multis, at the expense of : dignitate, gratiā, N.: ex nostro maerore, to take courage , O.: date crescendi copiam (iis) qui, etc., T.: crescendi in curiā occasio, L.
cresco, crēvi, crētum, 3 (inf. perf. sync. cresse, Lucr. 3, 683), v. inch. n. [1. creo]. I Orig., ...
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.