
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

crīmen inis, n

2 CER-, a judgment, charge, accusation, reproach : crimini credidisse, T.: fidem criminibus facere, L.: respondere criminibus: falsis criminibus circumventus, calumnies , S.: fictum, O.: cui crimina noxia cordi, scandals , V.: sermones pleni criminum in Patres, slanders , L.: sceleris maximi: ubi est crimen quod reprehenditis?i. e. the point of the accusation : crimine verso Arguit, etc., throwing back the charge , O.: sciebas tibi crimini datum iri? would be made a reproach? : Non tibi crimen ero, O.: Crimen, amor, vestrum, a reproach, Love, to you (i. e. to Cupido and Venus), V.: crimen inferre, offerre: in quos crimen intendebatur, L.: esse in crimine, to stand charged with : Cum tanto commune viro, shared , O.: sine crimine, blameless , H.: posteritatis, the reproach , O.: quae te mihi crimina mutant? slanders , Pr.— A crime, fault, offence : meum, L.: crimine ab uno Disce omnīs, V.: cui frigida mens est Criminibus, numbed by , Iu.: sere crimina belli, provocations , V.: malorum, the source , V.—Plur.for sing: video tuum, mea crimina, volnus, O.: impressā signat sua crimina gemmā, the recital of , O.

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