
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

crūdus adj.with comp.

CRV-, bloody, bleeding, trickling with blood : volnera, O.: exta, L.— With full stomach, stuffed with food, dyspeptic : qui de conviviis auferantur crudi: pilā ludere inimicum crudis, H.: (homo) crudior: bos, H.— Unripe, immature, crude, raw : poma: equa marito, H.: servitium, too new , Ta.— Fresh, vigorous : senectus, V., Ta.— Unprepared, immature, raw, crude : caestus, of raw hide , V.: rudis cortice crudo hasta, V.: pavo, undigested , Iu.: quia crudus fuerit, hoarse .—Fig., rough, unfeeling, cruel, merciless : ille precantem defodit Crudus humo, O.: ensis, V.: tyrannis, Iu.

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