
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

ec-ce adv.

demonstr. — Calling attention, lo! see! behold! there! look! ecce autem video senem, T.: Ecce processit Caesaris astrum, V.: adspice voltūs Ecce meos, O. — Esp., to announce the presence of an object, here, lo: Ecce, Arcas adest, O.: Ecce me, T.: ecce tuae litterae de Varrone.— In a transition, emphatically introducing a new object or thought: ecce tibi alter: ecce ex inproviso Iugurtha, S.: ecce autem repente nuntiatur: haec dum agit, ecce, etc., H.: ecce aliud miraculum, L.—Combined with a pronpers. (old and colloq.): eccum ipsum obviam (i. e. ecce eum), here he is, T.: eccam ipsam (i. e. ecce eam), T.: eccos (i. e. ecce eos), T.

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