
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

excutiō cussī, cussus, ere

ex + quatio, to shake out, shake off, cast out, drive out, send forth : (litteris) in terram excussis, shaken out : equus excussit equitem, threw off , L.: Excutimur cursu, V.: lectis utrumque, H.: gladiis missilia, parry , Ta.: excussos laxare rudentīs, uncoil and let out , V.: ignem de crinibus, shake off , O.: si excutitur Chloë, be cast off , H.: alqm patriā, V.: me domo, take myself off , T.: comantīs cervice toros, shake , V.: excussaque bracchia iacto, tossed , O.: lacrumas mihi, T.: sudorem, N.: excutior somno, am roused , V.— To project, throw : tela, Ta.: glandem, L.: facinus ab ore, i. e. the poisoned cup , O.— To shake out, search : te. — Fig., to shake out, shake off, force away, discard, remove, wrest, extort : omnīs istorum delicias: aculeos orationis meae: corde metum, O.: excussa pectore Iuno est, V.: (negotiis) Excussus propriis, H.: risum sibi, excite , H.: foedus, reject , V.— To search, examine, investigate, scrutinize : illud excutiendum est, ut sciatur, etc.: freta, O.: puellas, O.: quae delata essent, Cu.