
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

exigō ēgī, āctus, ere

ex + ago, to drive out, push forth, thrust out, take out, expel : reges ex civitate: hostem e campo, L.: post reges exactos: easdem (uxores), divorce , T.: suam (uxorem), turn out of the house : exigit Hebrus aquas, pours into the sea , O.: exactum ensem Fregit, by the thrust , O.: ensem per medium iuvenem, V.: (hasta) Cervice exacta est, passed through , O.— To drive away, hiss off (the stage): (fabulae) exigendae vobis, T.— To require, enforce, exact, demand, collect : ad pecunias exigendas legatos misimus: acerbissime pecuniae exigebantur: nomina sua: peditum numerum a civitatibus, Cs.: viam, demand the construction of : auspiciorum adhuc fides exigitur, further confirmation , Ta.— To export : agrorum fructūs, L.— To set right : ad perpendiculum columnas, set precisely upright .—Fig., to require, demand, claim, exact, insist : magis quam rogare: a teste veritatem: ius iurandum, L.: Has exegit gloria poenas, has cost , Iu.: de volnere poenas, O.: a violatoribus piacula, L.: ex te ut responderes: id ipsum, ut pereat, O.: a quoquam ne peieret, Iu.: in exigendo non acerbus.—Of time, to lead, spend, pass, complete, finish, close : cum maerore graviorem vitam, S.: exactā aetate mori, after a long life : hanc saepe exactā aetate usurpasse vocem, in old age , L.: per exactos annos, at the end of every year , H.: tribus exactis ubi quarta accesserit aestas, V.: spatiis exegit quattuor annum, O.— To conduct, superintend : aedīs privatas velut publicum opus, L.— To bring to an end, conclude, finish, complete : monumentum, H.: opus, O.: His demum exactis, V.— To determine, ascertain, find out : sociisque exacta referre, discoveries , V.: Non prius exactā ratione saporum, before he has ascertained , H.: non tamen exactum, quid agat, O.— To weigh, try, prove, measure, examine, adjust, estimate, consider : ad vestras leges, quae Lacedaemone fiunt, estimate by the standard of , etc., L.: cultu ad luxuriam exacto, directed , Cu.: ad caelestia ritūs humanos, O.— To consider, deliberate on, take counsel upon : tempus secum, V.: talia secum, O.: non satis exactum, quid agam.