
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

ex-tendō tendī, tentus or tēnsus, ere,

to stretch out, spread out, extend: extensis digitis: Buten harenā, stretch prostrate, V.: capita tignorum, Cs.: Maiores pennas nido, H.: aciem latius, Cu.: labellum, pout, Iu.: gladios, forge, Iu.: Iussit extendi campos, spread, O.: toto ingens extenditur antro, V.: per extentum funem posse ire, on a tight rope, i. e. to perform dexterous feats, H. — Fig., to extend, increase, enlarge, lengthen, spread: agros, H.: famam factis, V.: nomen in ultimas oras, H.: cupiditatem gloriae, L.: extentis itineribus, by forced marches, L.: cursūs, proceed, V.: faenus in usuras, i. e. compound interest, Ta.—To exert, strain: se magnis itineribus, Cs.: se supra vires, L.: magis ille extenditur, is excited, Iu.—To extend, prolong, continue, spend, pass: curas venientem in annum, V.: luctūs in aevom, O.: extento aevo vivere, H.: non longius quam ... extendi, last, L.