
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

fābula ae, f

1 FA-, a narration, narrative , account, story, tale : poëticae, L.: longa, H.: de te Fabula narratur, H.: et fabula fias, the common talk , H.: volgaris, O.: nova, news , Iu.: a diverticulo repetatur fabula, let us return to our story , Iu.: fabulae conviviales, conversation , Ta.— An affair, concern, matter, talk : quam mihi surdo narret fabulam, how deaf I am to his talk , T.: quae haec est fabula? what does this mean? T.— A fictitious narrative, tale, story, fiction, fable : ut ad fabulas veniamus: fabulis credere: a fabulis ad facta venire: non fabula rumor Ille fuit, O.: fabulae! tales! T.: fabulae Manes (i. e. fabulosi), H.— A dramatic poem, drama, play : in primā fabulā, when the play opens , T.: primus fabulam docuit: Securus, cadat an stet fabula, H.: neu sit quinto productior actu Fabula, H.: in fabulis persona.— A fable, story with a lesson : fabularum genus, Ph.: quae (res) vel apologum, vel fabulam contineat.—Prov.: Lupus in fabulā, talk of the devil (of a person who comes while talked about), T.— A plot, action, story (of a play or poem), H.

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