
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

fīlum ī, n

a thread, string: Caeca regens filo vestigia, V.: deducens pollice filum, O.: Candelae, wick, Iu.: tineae, O.: sororum trium, the thread of fate, H., V., O.—Prov.: Omnia sunt hominum tenui pendentia filo, i. e. are precarious, O.—A fillet of wool (on a priest's cap), priest's fillet: capite velato filo, L.—A string, cord, filament, fibre: lyrae, O.: croci, i. e. stamen, O.: Fila sectivi porri, shreds, Iu.—Fig., of speech, texture, sort, quality, nature, style: munusculum crasso filo, of coarse texture: argumentandi tenue: tenui deducta poëmata filo, H.: orationis tuae.

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