
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

fleō flēvī (flēmus, Pr., flēsti, O., flērunt, V., flēsse, L., O.), flētus, ēre

FLA-, to weep, cry, shed tears, lament, wail : quid possum aliud nisi flere: ab eis flens petivit, with tears : multa fleturum caput!H.: Flebit, shall smart for it , H.: de filii morte: ob nostras (vias), Tb.: ab insidiis, Pr.: Troilon, bewail , H.: servitutem, Ph.: amorem testudine, H.: me discedere, V.: flemus, ni nos (lex) divideret (i. e. ne), Pr.: multum fleti ad superos, lamented , V.: Graecia flenda, O.

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