
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

flōrēns entis, adj.with comp.and sup.

P. of floreo, blooming, flowering, in bloom : cytisus, V.: herbae, V.— Abounding in flowers, flowery : Hymettus, O.— Shining, bright : catervae aere, V.— Fig., flourishing, prosperous, in the prime, in repute, excellent : quos ego florentīs sine ferro viceram: auctor florentissimus, S.: adulescens, Cs.: gratiā: Ambo aetatibus, V.—Plur.as subst, the prosperous , N.—Of things: res p. florentissima: modus nullus est florentior, etc.: fortuna imperatoris: florentissimis rebus domos relinquere, Cs.: florentīs res suas cum Iugurthae perditis miscere, S.: opes, L.: florente iuventā Fervidus, H.: aetate formāque, in youthful beauty , Ta.

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