Related Words
foedus, a, um, adj. [Sanscr. dhūmas, smoke; cf.: fumus, fīmus, feteo], foul, filthy, loathsome, ugly...
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.
foedus (1) adj.with comp.and sup.
FAV-, foul, filthy, loathsome, repulsive, ugly, unseemly, detestable, abominable, horrible : foedissimum monstrum: volucris, O.: caput Impexā porrigine, H.: volnus, O.: tergum vestigiis verberum, L.: pestilentia homini, destructive , L.: foediora iis, quae subiciebantur oculis, nuntiare, L.: res visu: foedum relatu, O.—Fig., disgraceful, base, dishonorable, vile, shameful, infamous, foul : facinus, T.: ille foedior in Pompeio accusando, etc.: homo, S.: carmen, H.: fuga, S.: mors: genus interitūs: ministeria, V.: inceptu, L.
foedus, a, um, adj. [Sanscr. dhūmas, smoke; cf.: fumus, fīmus, feteo], foul, filthy, loathsome, ugly...
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.