
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

frequentō āvī, ātus, āre

frequens, to visit frequently, frequent, resort to, do frequently, repeat : domum meam: arva, V.: Marium, often resort to , S.: coetu salutantium frequentari, Ta.: ‘Hymenaee’ frequentant, keep calling , O.: verbi translatio frequentata delectationis (causā).—Of persons, to assemble in throngs, bring together, crowd : quos cum casu hic dies ad aerarium frequentasset, etc.: populum: acervatim multa: est luminibus frequentanda omnis oratio sententiarum.—Of places, to fill with a multitude, fill, crowd, people, stock : urbes frequentari, be peopled : Templa frequentari Nunc decet, O.: contiones legibus agrariis, to draw a crowd by proclaiming , etc., L.— To celebrate, keep in great numbers, observe in multitudes : ludos: ad triumphum frequentandum deducti, L.: sacra, O.

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