Related Words
fulgur (also in the nom. FVLGVS, acc. to Fest. s. v. fulgere, p. 92 fin. Müll. N. cr.), ŭris, n. [...
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.
fulgur uris (plur.once fulgora, C.), n
2 FLAG-, flashing lightning, lightning : inmixta fulgura ventis, O.: de fulgurum vi dubitare: fulgura interpretantes: ad fulgura pallent, Iu.: fulgure terruit orbem, O.: feriunt Fulgura montes, thunderbolts , H.: publica fulgura, i. e. things blasted by lightning , Iu.
fulgur (also in the nom. FVLGVS, acc. to Fest. s. v. fulgere, p. 92 fin. Müll. N. cr.), ŭris, n. [...
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.