
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

geminus adj.,

born together, twin-born, twin-: fratres: sorores, H.: pueri, V.: partus, L.: Nec gemino bellum orditur ab ovo, i. e. the two eggs laid by Leda as a swan, H.: Quirini, Iu.—Plurm. as subst, twins: geminorum formae: quoniam gemini essent, L.—Paired, double, twofold, both, two: lucernae lumen: nuptiae, T.: Somni portae, V.: voragines rei p.: acies, eyes, V.: cruor, i. e. two deaths, O.: Chiron, of two natures (a centaur), O.: Cecrops, i. e. half Greek, half Egyptian, O.: geminis exsurgit mensa lucernis, seen double, Iu.— Resembling, similar, like: nequitiā: Dolabella et Antonius, geminum in scelere par: illud consiliis Catilinae et Lentuli, common.

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