Related Words
hasta (asta), ae, f. [Sanscr. hastas, hand; cf. Gr. root χαδ- in χανδάνω, pre-hendo], a spear (syn...
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.
hasta ae, f
1 HAS-, a staff, rod, pole : gramineae, reeds of bamboo : foliis intexere hastas, the thyrsus , V.: foliis praesuta, O.: pura, i. e. without a head , V.— A spear, lance, pike, javelin : eminus hastis uti: evelli iussit hastam: iactare: contendere, to hurl , V.: versā iuvencum Terga fatigamus hastā, i. e. use as a goad , V.: hastam in fines emittere (as a declaration of war), L.— A spear set up as the sign of a public auction (orig. of booty taken in war): praedae partem sub hastā vendidit, L.: hastā positā, cum bona venderet hastā positā pro aede: emptio ab hastā: comiti bus sub hastā venditis, L.: qui hastae huius gene ris adsueverant, i. e. to a public bidding for con tracts , L.: ius hastae, of auctions , Ta.— A littl spear (an ornament in the hair): recurva, O.— Fig., plur: abiecit hastas, i. e. lost courage .
hasta (asta), ae, f. [Sanscr. hastas, hand; cf. Gr. root χαδ- in χανδάνω, pre-hendo], a spear (syn...
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.