
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

hinc adv.,

from this place, hence: quae (via) est hinc in Indiam: hinc Romā venire: Illam hinc civem esse aiunt, T.—With iam, from this point onward, henceforth: maiora iam hinc bella dicentur, L.: iam hinc populiR. res gestas peragam, L.—In antithesis to hinc or illinc, on one side . . . on the other, here . . . there, on this side . . . on that: hinc fides, illinc fraudatio, etc.: pudor est, qui suadeat illinc; Hinc dissuadet amor, O.: hinc atque illinc volneribus acceptis, on each side, L.: hinc patres, hinc viros orantīs, L.: Hinc atque hinc rupes minantur, on either side, V.—From this source, from this cause, hence, on this account: hinc sicae, hinc falsa testamenta nascuntur: Hinc illae lacrumae!that's what's the matter! H.: Sed eccum Syrum . . .! hinc scibo, from him, T.: Hinc canere incipiam (i. e. ex his), will take my theme, V.—Next, afterwards: hinc in urbem digressus, Ta.

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