
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

hōra ae, f

, ὥρα, an hour (one twelfth of the day between sunrise and sunset): Dum haec dicit, abiit hora, T.: horam amplius moliebantur: horam durare, H.: in horā saepe ducentos versūs dictabat, H.: horas trīs dicere: quattuor horarum spatium, Cs.: hora quota est?what o'clock? H.: nuntiare quot horas, the time of day, Iu.: hora secunda postridie: post horam primam noctis: clavum mutare in horas, every hour, H.: in diem et horam, i. e. continually, H.—Prov.: in horam vivere, from hand to mouth.—Plur., a horologe, dial, clock: moveri videmus horas: mittere ad horas, send to ask the time.—A time, time of year, season: quamcumque deus tibi fortunaverit horam, H.: recte vivendi, H.: crastina, V.: verni temporis, H.: Caniculae, i. e. midsummer, H.: Quae rapit hora diem, i. e. time, H.—Person., the Hours, attendants of the sun: positae spatiis aequalibus, O.: Nox Horis acta, V.

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