Related Words
jējūnus, a, um, adj. [kindr. to Sanscr. yam, refrenare, cohibere; intens. yanyam, Bopp. Gloss. p. 27...
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.
iēiūnus adj.
with comp, fasting, abstinent, hungry: plebecula: canis, H.: serpens, Pr.: cor pora, L.: lupus ieiunis dentibus acer, H.: fames, extreme, Iu.: odium, i. e. on an empty stomach, Iu.: ieiunae negare aquam, thirsty, Pr.—Dry, barren, unproductive: ager: glarea, V.—Scanty, insignificant: Summaque ieiunā sanie infuscatur harenā, V.—Fig., poor, barren, powerless: nimis animus: animus malevolentiā.—Insignificant, trifling, contemptible, mean, low: cognitio: calumnia.—Of speech, meagre, dry, feeble, spiritless: in orationibus ieiunior: concertatio verborum.
jējūnus, a, um, adj. [kindr. to Sanscr. yam, refrenare, cohibere; intens. yanyam, Bopp. Gloss. p. 27...
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.