
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

ille illa, illud,

gen.illīus or illius (old forms: dat.ollī, C., V.; plur.ollī, ollīs, C., V.; ollōs, olla, C.), prondem.—In reference to something remote from the speaker, or near or related to a third person, that: sol me ille admonuit, yon sun: in illā vitā.—As subst, he, she, it: tum ille, Non sum, inquit, etc.: de illius Alexandreā discessu: ne illi sanguinem nostrum largiantur, S.—Opp. to hic, of that which is more remote, or less important: huius (Catonis) facta, illius (Socratis) dicta laudantur: hic enim noster (Ennius) . . . at vero ille sapiens (Solon).—In partial enumeration: hic et ille, one and another, one or two, a few: non dicam illinc hoc signum ablatum esse et illud.—In emphatic reference: in quibus etiam, sive ille inridens, sive . . . me proferebat: Sic oculos, sic ille manūs, sic ora ferebat, V.—Praegn., that, the ancient, the well-known, the famous: Antipater ille Sidonius: auditor Panaeti illius: testulā illā multatus est, that well-known custom of ostracism, N.: ille annus egregius: idem ille tyrannus.—In phrases, ille aut ille, such and such, one or another: quaesisse, num ille aut ille defensurus esset.— With quidem, followed by sed, autem, or verum, certainly . . . but still, to be sure . . . however, indeed . . . but yet: philosophi quidam, minime mali illi quidem, sed, etc.: ludo autem et ioco uti illo quidem licet, sed, etc.—Ex illo (sc. tempore), from that time, since then, V., O.

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