
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

impendeō (in-p-) —, —, ēre,

to hang over, overhang: ut (gladius) impenderet illius cervicibus: saxum Tantalo: iter difficile; mons altissimus inpendebat, commanded (it), Cs.—Fig., to be at hand, be near, be imminent, threaten, impend: quae vero impendebant, ea depellere: dum impendere Parthi videbantur: ea contentio quae impendet: vento impendente, V.: licet omnes in me terrores impendeant: quantum periculi consuli inpendeat, S.: quid sibi impenderet, suspicari: nobis necessitudo impendet, presses upon, S.: inparatum tanta te impendent mala, T.

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