
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

improbus (in-pr-) adj.

with comp.and sup, not good, bad, wicked, reprobate, abandoned, vile, base, impious, bold, shameless, wanton: nequam et improbus: longe post natos homines improbissimus: fugit improbus, the rogue, H.: fit ubi neglegas malus inprobior, S.: anguis, voracious, V.: annis, by his youth, Iu.: Fortuna adridens infantibus, mischievous, Iu.—Of things, wicked, shameless, outrageous, base: verba improbissima: ora (leonis), V.: divitiae, H.: oratio, Cs.: dicta, licentious, O.: lex improbissima: testamentum, illegal. —Restless, indomitable, persistent: labor, V.: improbo Iracundior Hadriā, untamable, H.: ventris rabies, insatiate, V.