
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

īnfāns fantis, adj.with comp.and sup.

2 in + for, that cannot speak, without speech, mute, speechless : statuae, H.: filium, cum infans esset, locutum.— Poor of speech, not eloquent : homines: pudor, i. e. embarrassment , H.: nihil accusatore infantius: ne infantissimus existimarer, incapable of speaking.—Not able to speak, young, little, infant pueri: pupilla: puella, H.: ova, fresh , O.— As subst m . and f a little child, infant, babe : natura movet infantem: infantibus parcere, Cs.: rusticus, Iu.: infantumque animae flentes, V.: formosissimus, O.: in utero matris, L.— Of an infant, infantine : Pectora, O.: os, O.: umbrae, of departed infants , O.— Childish, silly : illa omnia fuere infantia.