
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

īnferus adj.with comp.(see īnferior) and sup.(see īnfimus and īmus)

cf. infra, below, beneath, underneath, lower : ut omnia supera, infera, videremus: mare, the Tuscan Sea .—As subst n. : navigatio infero, upon the Tuscan Sea (opp. superum, the Adriatic ).— Underground, of the lower world : di, T.: ad inferos (deos) pervenisse.—Plur m . as subst, the dead, shades, inhabitants of the lower world : apud inferos: ab inferis exsistere, to rise from the dead , L.: ab inferis excitandus, to be raised from the dead : ad inferos poenas luere, in the infernal regions : nec ab inferis mortuos excitabit, i. e. speak in the persons of the dead .