
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

in-tāctus adj.

with comp, untouched, uninjured, intact: cervix iuvencae, not broken to the yoke, V.: boves, H.: nix, L.: exercitus, L.: intactis adsidere muris, L.: nemo intactus profugit, S.: Britannus, unsubdued, H.: religione animus, L.: vires, unimpaired, Cu.: caput buxo, Iu.: intactae segetis per summa volare (i. e. quae vix videatur tangi), V.—Untried, unattempted: bellum, without combat, S.: saltūs, V.: carmen, H.: admovere manūs intactis thensauris, L.: intactis opulentior thesauris Arabum, H.: esurit (Statius) intactam Paridi nisi vendat Agaven, not yet put on the stage, Iu.—Untouched, undefiled, chaste: Pallas, H.: cui pater intactam dederat, V.: virgo, Ct.: intactior omni Sabinā, Iu.

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