
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

interior ius, gen.ōris

inter, inner, interior, middle : aedium pars: spatium, O.: In interiore parte ut maneam, i. e. in the women's apartment , T.: domus, inner part , V.: epistula, body : motu cietur interiore et suo: nationes, farther inland.— Plur. n . as subst, the inner parts, middle : aedium: regni, L.—Plur m . as subst: plerique, of those farther from the sea , Cs.: interiores fossas explent, the garrison , Cs.—In the race-course, nearer the goal, on the left : rota, O.: gyrus, H.: Ille . . . Radit iter laevum interior (to shorten the course), V.— Nearer : toto corpore interior periculo volneris factus, i. e. too near to be wounded , L.: ictibus, within reach of , L.— Inner : nota Falerni, i. e. longest in the cellar , H.—Fig., deeper, more piercing : timor.— More hidden, more recondite, more profound : nunc interiora videamus: consilia, N.: haec interiora, more personal (opp. illa externa).— Deeper, more intimate, closer : vicini: amicitia, L.: litterae, more confidential .

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