
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

intus adv.,

on the inside, within: intus est hostis: estne frater intus?T.: Format natura nos intus, H.: in animis: in aede, L.: extra et intus hostem habere, Cs.: clausi (tauri), in the stalls, V.: intus Digna geri, i. e. in private, H.: adductos intus agere equos, closer to the goal, O.: tali intus templo, V.—Prov.: omnia intus canere, on the inner side (of the cithara), i. e. to oneself: hoc carmen non vobis sed sibi intus canit, i. e. seeks his own interest.—To the inside, into, within, in: ducitur intus, O.—From within: obsera ostium, T.: unde nisi intus Monstratum?i. e. by instinct, H.

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