
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

invītus adj.

with sup, against the will, unwilling, reluctant, perforce, on compulsion: Invitus feci, lex coëgit, T.: neque senatus provinciam invitus dederat, S.: invitus feci, ut, etc.: ut viatores invitos consistere cogant, Cs.: eum ego a me invitissimus dimisi, much against my will: nihil invitis fidere divis, i. e. against their will, V.: invito patre, in spite of, T.: se invito transire, against his will, Cs.: invitissimis eis: invitā Minerva, against one's natural bent, C., H.: quod et illo et me invitissimo fiet, altogether against his inclination and mine.—As substm.: elicere veram vocem ab invito.—Reluctant, unwilling: invita in hoc loco versatur oratio: Invitae anni spem credere terrae, V.: verbaque provisam rem non invita sequentur, H.: ignes, O.: ope, i. e. furnished involuntarily, O.

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