
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

lēgātiō ōnis, f

1 lego, the office of ambassador, embassy, legation : cum legatione in provinciam profectus: legationis officium conficere, Cs.: in legationem proficisci, L.: legationem renuntiare, report an embassy : obire: negotiorum suorum causā legatus est in Africam legatione liberā, i. e. with the privileges, without the duties, of an ambassador : legationes sumere liberas: Legatio votiva, a free embassy, undertaken to pay a vow in a province.—A lieutenant-generalship, deputy-command : quā in legatione duxit exercitum: legionis, Ta.— The persons of an embassy, embassy, legation : legationis princeps, Cs.: legationes ad se reverti iussit, Cs.